Friday, November 17, 2017

Homeless American Who Lost Memory In Mexico Roaming The Streets In Matamoros

A homeless man who people believe is a U.S. Citizen and can't remember his name or from where he originated has been roaming the streets of Matamoros begging for food.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

November 17, 2017

Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México - An alleged homeless U.S. Citizen has been spotted in Matamoros roaming the streets begging for food and suffers from memory loss, according to a Facebook (FB) posting by David Nostas, which Laura Rodriguez originated the request to have it posted in an attempt to locate and identify family has gone viral in social networks. The unidentified homeless American usually can be located around the Periférico Park in Matamoros.
The unidentified man has been living in the streets of Matamoros for at least six months, according to the FB posting.
If any one has any information of who this person is, please notify authorities at the U.S. Consulate in Matamoras to help identify him.

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